The entire Iran nuclear topic has strong elements of Deja-vu. The US contends that Iran is building a bomb, though utterly without proof. Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (which Iran has signed) a nation is allowed to enrich uranium for reactor fuel. That's what Iran claims it's doing, and we've utterly no proof to the contrary, nor has any been offered. Indeed, the US Intelligence Estimate concluded recently that the Iranian nuclear weapons program was abandoned years ago. Still, here we are at this date ever more loudly rattling the sabre. In this November 2006 video, the Australian Broadcasting Company presents a portrait of the MEK, an Iranian exile group lobbying for regime change, and claiming to have firm evidence of nuclear weapons programs. This sounds the Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress which fed us false evidence about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to such devastating effect in the lead up to the Iraq war.
Iran and the MEK video