Water is shaping up to be the next strategic resource. We assume it will be there when we need it, but it's drying up rapidly, virtually everywhere. Reportedly, California has 20 years of water left at current consumption growth, and New Mexico has ten. Around the country and around the globe, multinational corporations are heavily investing in water resources. I have linked, below, to a discussion of this issue on Democracy Now.
Water Wars Video
1 comment:
Mmm. I agree fully. There are morons everywhere, as proven by these lovely people (http://www.cpw.org.nz/) the Central Plains Water folks who want to take 40,00 cumics of water a minute during flood from the braided rivers of central canterbury, to facilitate dairy farming on the plains. Beyond the sheer stupidity of trying to create lush green paddocks for cows in an environment, which is scorched and sandblasted during the summer, frozen in the winter, and the fact that this would be a private scheme for corporations using public water. Looking beyond all of that, the simple answer is that the Waimakariri and the Raikaia rivers do not have the water. The Rakaia is already dry for half the year and the Waimak is in serious trouble with meat works outflows, making the water unsafe to be in and rapidly dropping fish stocks
Morons, everywhere. Hey, check your phone messages. When do you want me to visit, May or August?
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