I got my new Cabelas catalog the other day. It's been a revelation. When I hunted deer, you needed to be on the ground, at least one foot planted. You had to wear red or neon orange jackets so as to avoid been shot. You could not have left feed or salt licks out for deer because the wou

These days, you can hang out in trees. Deer don't usually look at trees, not many predators coming from that vector. Evidence the tree hanging blind on the left.
Then there are the game feeding impliments (totally illegal in my recollection). This is an automated feeder. When I hunted, you couldn't even place a salt lick, much less food, like this.
Have a look at this

And then, there are these photo things to allow you to know when the victims have been there:
And, finally, it comes to this: you can remotely capture the visits of the deer with a digital camera which takes p

As we have no real need to kill game for food (do the math, it makes no sense--it's just killing for sport (read blood lust))--I say it's time to call it off.
I tired of killing big game, indeed all game pretty quickly knowing I had no need for the meat, Just did it for the the thrill of killing..
Rather than making the ponitless slaughter of wildlife easier, let's make it harder. In this sense, I will allay myself with the bow hunters, but they must not wear camoflage. The must wear red or neon orange. After all, nature needs a break.
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