Rebuilding in Afghanistan has absorbed billions of US dollars, around $5 billion I think. Responsible sources suggest that most of the billions we've spent, (and the additional billions the NATO allies have spent) have been substantially wasted. Here's an incisive look a the problem by the British newspaper, The Guardian. It's a huge story, and it will be ignored. It involves lots agencies I like (UN agencies) and folks of all stripes. And it's ubiquitous. Rivers of money have flowed to corrupt agencies and individuals. It's a stained legacy. This goes from the top of the US leadership (Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc.) down to the basest level of Afghan society. Interestingly, when Afghanistan was a Soviet client, things like roads, clinics and schools (for girls, too) were built. Have a look at what we build. Oh, by the way, Russia now claims that they never used air attacks with bombs on the Afghan populous. I shall check this. Have a look:
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