Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Been Remiss

It's been a week.  Don't usually take that long to post.  Been on "spring break" as I do teach.  Got a bum hip which has made things a little weird.  Still, I feel I need to say something.  While vacationing, I watch with some horror  the fact that folks who can present zombie portraits of Obama and talk of his socialist nature get mainstream coverage.  The entire idea is absurd.  We also resound with veiled talk of armed rebellion.  I can recall when last I felt that sort of threat..  It was back in the  1960's  when "us versus them" was chatted up, but it wasn't broadly real as a concept.  Things are worse now.  I' ll be more actively communicative once the annoying hip pain has been dealt with.  More to come.

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