I'll give you a few interesting hints. Building 7 wasn't hit by an airplane, and it had only minor fires, yet it collapsed on it's own footprint in 6.5 seconds--virtually free fall. Witnesses, on tape, talk about explosions, and pre-knowledge which we can hear real time from fire and police officers at the scene, that the building was coming down. There's more, much, much more. It's important to learn about this. Please, swallow your doubts and have a look. Examining evidence is never a bad idea. To go to the Journal of 911 Studies, simply click on the title of this posting.
1 comment:
You have come to the only logical conclusion. For quite some time, I adhered to the belief that the towers "pancaked". I had seen the PBS documentary complete with animation recreating the entire thing. It seemed plausible. There are, however, problems with such a neat little package: 1) PBS simulated a building with NO CORE. The towers, of course, had a steel frame core. Had the building pancaked in that manner the core would have been left standing. It wasn't. 2)Melted steel was found and photographed at found level. Kerosene does not melt hot enough or long enough to melt or even weaken steel. Experiments will prove this conclusively under scientific, controlled conditions. 3) the fires were relatively "cool" as evidenced by the black smoke. The buildings were hardly the "raging inferno" that officialdom would have you believe. By the time the towers collapse, the first were spent.
Building 7, as you point out, is the classic case. Larry Silverstein is on BBC video tape saying that he and the NYFD had agreed that the building needed to be pulled. "Pulled" is the industry slang for "controlled demolition" which requires elaborate planning. Seven collapsed within about an hour or less of Silverstein's order. That means the explosives had been planted far in advance. Building 7 was Giuliani's "command center" and the Office of Emergency Management. It had been the headquarters of the junk-bond firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, which contributed to the Savings and Loans collapse. Other interesting tenants included the IRS Regional Council, the U.S. Secret Service and several office of the CIA. That's just a partial list.
Interestingly, NO AIRLINER WRECKAGE was ever recovered. All four planes, I suppose, just popped into a wormhole, another dimension.
The Space Shuttle Columbia, by contrast, slammed into the stratosophere at better than 10,000 miles per hour yet left IDENTIFIABLE wreckage and identifiable body parts strewn over three states. Because there was an investigation, these parts were recovered and identified.
No airliner part connected to 911 has EVER been recovered.
None of the wreckage of the towers was recovered or examined.
There was, in fact, no investigation of 911, though the burden of proof is upon those who assert that 911 was the work of a crazy-ass band of wild eyed terrorists who could not even fly the pipers on which they were trained. That is a cacamamie conspiracy theory if there ever was one. Yet critics are labeled, fallaciously, "conspiracy theorists".
Lately, even the "chairs" of the 911 commission have disowned their own work and even more recently have claimed that they were obstructed by the Bush administration.
911 was an act of mass murder. There is enough probable cause to bring mass murder charges against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and other members of his administration.
There is likewise enough probable cause right now to bring war crimes charges against George W. Bush for overt violation of the Nuremberg Principles, the Geneva Convention and US Codes, specifically Title 18, Section 2441. That sections makes violations of Geneva resulting in death a capital crime!
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